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How Big Things Get Done: A Reading Strategy #

The focus of this reading strategy is "How Big Things Get Done" - both on an individual and an organizational level. Like with my previous reading strategy, the first rule was to come up with a simple list of questions to answer:

  • How hard vs. smart did people who got big things done work?
  • Were most of them innately smart, or was there something else? What subsets of traits did a lot of them share?
  • How did they interact with other people?
  • Did they go wide or deep?
  • What were values they had? What values did they share?
  • What were key organizational principles to getting people to work together on large projects?
  • How large/ unrealistic were the visions of big projects when they started? Did they have to tone it down, or did they just achieve it?
  • What were key reasons large projects failed?

This is a fairly broad category and I don't expect to get definitive answers to everything here. Again, as before, I have a curriculum of books. This being a fairly wide topic, the books are also fairly wide (and a bit random), but the benefit of that is I've already read quite a few of them (marked with ✓)

  • How Big Things Get Done
  • The NASA paper on why Apollo was a success
  • The Art of Doing Science and Engineering (reread You and Your Research) ✓
  • Read technical plans for {insert major project here}
  • Biographies/ history of people who got "big things done"
    • A Mind At Play (Claude Shannon) ✓
    • Elon Musk biography
    • Creativity Inc. ✓
    • The Power Broker
    • Read Founders (on Paypal founders)?
    • Jon Von Neumann ?
    • Masters of Doom ✓
    • Jobs ?